
PocketRead was launched in 2011 as a one-stop-shop for hints and tips that authors will find useful on their journey from first draft to publication. 

It was specifically set up to help those of you who are just starting out.  Gently walking you through the first steps of putting aside the time to begin your writing and being beside you all the way through to publishing your masterpiece.

How to Find the Time to Write Book link to Amazon Store

In this fast-paced digital world, time is at a premium. If you have trouble setting aside the time to write, head on over to your local Amazon outlet and pick up my free book.


Photo of Lizzie Jay
Photo of Lizzie Jay


Hi, I’m Lizzie Jay, a fantasy and sci-fi author who struggled so much when I first started to write seriously. I picked things up here and there from searching on the internet and through trial and error. 

Now that my books have been published, I wanted to put all the bits and pieces I have learned about in one place in the hope that it could help someone else in the position I was in a few years ago.

If you have the desire to write but don’t know where to start, my posts on Writing should help get you going or try the Getting Started tab in the menu. (Don’t forget to download my free book to help you find the time to write.)

If you’re already onto the next stage, there is plenty covering the Editing process and there is also information for when you are preparing to publish and beyond.

If you want to get in touch, I would love to hear how you’re getting on with your writing or if you are having problems or even if you just want to say ‘Hi!’

Email me at Lizzie@PocketRead.co.uk


(I am also a freelance writer and I have a website at LizzieJay.com which deals with that part of my life.)